My dad Lewis Lohr inspired and instilled the value of hard work. He gave me the opportunity to grow up on a farm, to have natural foods and a healthy happy place to grow up. When I became a beekeeper my dad was so proud of me, and loved that there was now honey bees on his farm. He told me in the fall of 2011 he wanted a hive of his own in the spring. His health was failing, and I told him, " Dad, I'll get you a hive and take care of it for you." He died two months later and never saw the spring.
When spring came I was determined to keep that promise. I got dad his bees, and I am taking care of them for him. I painted the hive to say "Lucy's Bees" I loving called my dad Lucy. His first name was Lewis, if shortened to Lou and add his middle inital of C you get Lou-C .
One late in the summer day on a rainy and sunny afterenoon a very large and bright double rainbow appeared over the farm. I believe Dad was saying he saw and approved of his bees on his farm! My dad watches over me everyday and leaves me signs in the beauty seen everyday on the farm!